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MAFISO ARMS 品牌精神Mafioso,意思是man of honor男人的榮耀。當時的西西里島被侵略者佔領,當地居民自己組織起來,原先是要保護家人,免受這些侵略者的騷擾;後來,這班人演變成一班為了復仇而私自執行法律的人,在當地,成為黑手黨的成員是一種光榮,被稱為「MAFIOSO」MAFIOSO ARMS將各地黑幫使用的古典軍火做為靈感來源,並以現代的設計手法與最先進的製造工藝,重新呈現古典槍械的美感。


Mafioso means Man of Honor;When Sicilia Island was occupied by the invaders, island residents organized together to protect their home from the invaders.Nowadays, those people become an organization which executes revenge by their private law. MAFIOSO ARMS is inspired by classic mafia firearms from all over the world. We melt contemporary design language and the most advanced industrial arts into old school firearms, representing aesthetics of those legend guns!

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